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What Companies can Learn from Kamala Harris’ Next Level Political Branding

Kamala Harris just schooled us in next-level political branding.

The US presidential candidate has once again captured the spotlight—not just for her policies or public statements, but for a bold, culturally relevant branding move that’s resonating with voters, particularly younger generations. By channeling the rebellious energy of Charli XCX’s “BRAT” album (aka the soundtrack of the summer), Harris has signaled she’s in tune with the times and knows how to get people talking. This isn’t just a trend-hop; it’s a calculated strategy that could redefine political marketing for the digital age.

Here’s an overview of how Kamala Harris is turning heads and winning hearts with her unconventional approach:

By aligning her image with such prominent pop culture reference, Harris has struck a chord with younger audiences who appreciate leaders that tap into current trends.

Increased Youth Engagement

Harris’ “brat” campaign has captured the attention of Generation Z and young millennial voters like never before. A USA Today and Suffolk University poll showed Harris outperforming Biden by 24 percentage points among 18-34 year olds, underscoring her appeal to younger demographics.

This enthusiasm has been especially palpable among young women and voters of color, two key groups that Harris has worked to connect with. Her team’s clever use of social media trends and micro-influencers has proven successful, energizing and mobilizing young voters in ways that feel authentic and relevant.

Cultural Relevance

The campaign’s origins stem from a viral tweet by British pop star Charli XCX, who tweeted, “kamala IS brat,” a moment the Harris team swiftly embraced. From there, they adopted Charli XCX’s aesthetic, including chartreuse green and a distinct typography style reflective of her “BRAT” album.

By aligning her image with such a prominent pop culture reference, Harris has struck a chord with younger audiences who appreciate leaders that tap into current trends. This cultural connection has made Harris seem more relatable and in touch with youth culture, setting her apart from more traditional political figures.

Digital Strategy Success

Harris’ “brat” campaign has made waves in the digital sphere, generating significant buzz across platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok. The campaign’s use of memes, viral content, and a playful aesthetic has redefined her public image, with some even comparing this approach to Barack Obama’s groundbreaking digital strategy in 2008.

This digital-first approach has proven effective in amplifying Harris’ message and reaching voters who live primarily online. The ability to break through the noise on platforms where younger voters spend their time is a major victory in modern political campaigns.

Fundraising and Volunteer Boost

The impact of the “brat” campaign isn’t just limited to online buzz—it’s also translated into tangible support. Following Biden’s decision to take a step back, according to the BBC the Harris campaign generated over $100 million in contributions within two days. Moreover, Harris recruited 58,000 new volunteers, and a recent fundraising call attracted more than 44,000 Black women—a key constituency Harris has long sought to mobilize.

Illustrado’s Key Takeaways

At Illustrado, we understand that branding is about more than just visuals and slogans—it’s about creating a strategic narrative that resonates with the target audience. Harris’ campaign demonstrates the importance of cultural relevance, visual identity, and digital engagement in building a memorable and effective brand.

Here’s what we can learn from this next-level political branding:

  1. Be Culturally Aware

Harris’ alignment with Charli XCX’s “BRAT” aesthetic underscores the importance of staying in tune with cultural trends. Brands that remain relevant understand their audience’s values, interests, and language. This isn’t about chasing every trend; it’s about selectively engaging with the ones that resonate most.

  1. Engage Digitally

The success of Harris’ campaign is a powerful reminder that the digital space is where modern brands are built. The use of viral content and shareable memes has allowed Harris to reach younger voters in an authentic way. We encourage brands to adopt creative, bold digital strategies that stand out in today’s crowded online environment.

  1. Build a Strong Visual Identity

Harris’ use of neon green and a distinct typography is a lesson in how visual branding can make a powerful statement. In a crowded political landscape, having a memorable and visually cohesive brand identity is key to standing out. Strong visuals help build recognition and keep a brand at the forefront of the audience’s mind.

  1. Tell a Cohesive Brand Story

Harris’ narrative alignment with Charli XCX’s themes of individuality and empowerment shows how creating an emotionally resonant story can strengthen a brand’s connection with its audience. A consistent, authentic brand story can inspire loyalty and foster long-lasting relationships with consumers.

  1. Dare to Be Different

Harris’ decision to embrace the rebellious “brat” persona was a calculated risk, but one that has paid off. In a world where many political figures adhere to tradition, her campaign stands out as bold, unconventional, and memorable. We encourage brands to take calculated risks and push the boundaries of conventional approaches.

Brands that remain relevant understand their audience’s values, interest and language.

Potential Long-Term Impact

While the immediate results of Harris’ “brat” campaign are clear, the long-term implications are still being discussed. Some experts believe this strategy could reshape how political campaigns engage younger generations, setting a new standard for future elections.

However, there’s also skepticism about whether the online enthusiasm will translate into actual voter turnout. It remains to be seen if this approach can successfully bridge the gap between digital excitement and real-world action.

Challenges and Criticisms

Despite its success, the “brat” campaign isn’t without its challenges. Critics argue that a focus on pop culture can distract from substantive policy discussions, while others caution that there’s a fine line between being relatable and appearing inauthentic or cringey. Additionally, some supporters have expressed frustration that Harris hasn’t leaned into the “brat” meme more explicitly.  Time will be the ultimate judge to all these concerns.

Our Recommendations

Still, we believe that bold, calculated risks are often the key to building memorable brands. Our advice for brands looking to follow in Harris’ footsteps:

  • Stay Relevant: Align with cultural trends that resonate with your audience.
  • Be Bold: Don’t shy away from risk if it aligns with your brand values.
  • Create Shareable Moments: Leverage viral content to expand your reach.
  • Be Consistent: Ensure your messaging and visuals remain cohesive across all platforms.

Kamala Harris’ “brat” campaign is a case study in how bold, culturally aware strategies can break through the noise and energize key audiences. At Illustrado, we believe that daring to be different is the key to creating lasting connections, building loyalty, and making a memorable impact in any industry.

How Illustrado Can Help

At Illustrado, we specialize in creating bold, culturally relevant branding that connects with your target audience and sets you apart from the competition. Whether you’re looking to tap into current trends, develop a compelling visual identity, or build a cohesive narrative that resonates across digital platforms, our expert team is ready to take your brand to the next level


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